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Sustainability issues are deeply embedded within our company.

Sustainability issues such as health, safety and environmental protection, resource efficiency and full compliance with laws and regulations are deeply embedded within our company.
They determine how we interact with our employees, suppliers, customers and society in general, and have a direct influence on our commercial success.
Several internal guidelines - besides statutory requirements and external principles - provide orientation to our employees and serve as a framework for the daily actions in operating business.

Brenntag Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

All of our fundamental company values, ethical principles, compliance with laws, rules and regulations as well as the relevant guidelines and procedures which are of key significance for Brenntag and its reputation are summarized in a comprehensive Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.

Anti-Corruption Guideline

As a minimum standard for the Brenntag Group, it specifies the conduct expected of all employees with regard to anti-corruption and is intended to help them ensure that their conduct is compliant in critical situations and that they avoid risks.

Supplier Code of Conduct

Brenntag drew up a code of conduct specifying what we expect of our suppliers in the areas of environmental protection and safety, labour and social standards as well as compliance and governance. The code is based on the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the chemical industry’s global Responsible Care programme and Brenntag’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.

Responsible Care / Responsible Distribution

For many years now, Brenntag has taken part in the Responsible Care/Responsible Distribution (RC/RD) programme of the International Chemical Trade Association (ICTA). As such, we implement the eight guidelines laid down in this global programme covering the following areas: Legal requirements, Management of risk, Policies and documentation, Provision of information, Training, Emergency response, Ongoing improvements, Community interaction.

10 principles of the UN Global Compact

This prestigious, international, voluntary initiative aims to encourage sustainable development and social commitment. To this end, ten principles in the fields of human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and fighting corruption have been endorsed. As a member, Brenntag has undertaken to enshrine these principles as an integral part of its corporate strategy. They supplement the corporate values and principles which guide our activities.

Sustainable Building Policy

In line with Brenntag’s overall ESG and climate strategy, we pursue a sustainability strategy for our own buildings. In 2022, the Corporate Sustainable Building Policy was introduced to this end. This guideline requires each new Brenntag-owned building to be certified to defined sustainable building standards. Recognized standards include LEED, BREEAM and Green Star. Existing buildings also have to be certified to one of the aforementioned standards if any relatively large-scale modernization or renovation projects are planned. Sustainable buildings are not only more ecofriendly during the construction phase and when in use but come with other benefits such as better working conditions or reduced operational costs.

Global Safe Product Policy

In different parts of the world, varying local laws mean that certain products with potential health or environmental risks are still permitted in some countries, even though they are banned in the EU. At Brenntag, we are committed to going beyond mere regulatory compliance and setting new standards for safety and sustainability. In line with this commitment, we implemented the Global Safe Product Policy in 2023.
This policy applies the strictest legislation worldwide, ensuring that our products meet the highest safety standards regardless of location. As part of this initiative, we are dedicated to phasing out all substances of very high concern (SVHCs), which are on the Annex XIV of the REACH authorization list by the end of 2025, demonstrating our commitment to the health of our customers and the environment.

Living Wage Policy

Brenntag is aware of its responsibility regarding social matters and goes beyond mere compliance with laws and regulations by introducing voluntary standards also in that area. We pride ourselves in being a fair employer, which entails investing boldly in a work environment that promotes the development and wellbeing of our people. Brenntag created and adopted a Global Living Wage Policy in 2022 and has conducted regular reviews since its implementation to make sure that the policy is adhered to.